Work With Us

Work with Us

Sports Watchers Association Work with us

     There are many ways the public, SWA members and member-guests can contribute to the cause - watching Sport uninterrupted.   In the beginning we're just going to look to build awareness about the Sports Watchers Association.  Then we'll look to build membership, through union dues which will most likely be a cup of coffee a month.  Once a member, you can file grievances against your warden.  Who knows if anyone will be brave enough to do this.  We'll celebrate beauties with a certification process and in the long term we'll have a Hall of Fame and a Wall of Shame.  Basic union stuff.  Unions have 'locals' so we'll have local, regional, and other geographical directors, as well as sports directors and Sports related directors (such as gambling directors, fantasy sports directors) or anything related to sports.  Directors may be appointed or apply for the position

Sign the Declaration

     The SWA declaration is a way to allow the SWA CBA to have jurisdiction over your household.  It is a one-way declaration, meaning your warden can't stop you from signing up your household.  No one has died from signing the declaration as of yet.


     Membership into the union is an annual union due.  We will do great things with the dues in the future.  The union is looking for ideas on how to promote sports for people that may not otherwise get to play sports.  Signing up as a Sports Watchers Association member will be possible.  Some credit card company once said 'Membership has it's benefits', while true, we don't know what those will be as of yet for the members.


When SWA members (or wardens) feel that the other party isn't following the SWA CBA, either member may file a grievance through the grievance intake form.  There is a grievance process outlined in the SWA CBA.  This will be handled by the union commissioner and president or a designated director.  

Beauty Certification

Throughout our sporting life, we meet some characters.  In fact, most athletes, when the retire, don't say they're going to miss the game play, they'll miss the dressing room and being around the team.  So the SWA CBA created a certification process for these beauties.  In fact, section 23 Union Security, article 12 of the SWA CBA outlines the process to certify the actual characters we know.

Apply for Regional, Sports and Sports Related Directors

Another dumb idea we had was to open this up to all sports fans.  If you'd like a larger role within the union, simply apply!  We have positions for all aspects of the SWA CBA including Sports Gambling, Fantasy Sports, Sports Specifics in all geographies.