23. Union Security

Sports Union security and benefits
  1. SWA meetings - SWA members may be called to order for meetings. Meetings can be virtual, in-person, or via video message (YouTube etc), press conference style.  Meetings may be in geographic specifity such as local, regional, provincial/state or other.  Attendance at meetings can be SWA Members and their guests. 

  2. SWA Responsibility - The Sports Watchers Association responsibility is to uphold the member rights within the SWA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

  3. President & Commissioner - The SWA has a president and commissioner. Their role is to administer changes, improvements and recommendations of the CBA internally and to Warden International, when appropriate.  Their role is to hear grievances and dole out discipline. The role of president and commissioner may chance from time to time at the sole discretion of the SWA.

  4. Regional Directors - SWA regional directors may apply or are appointed by the president and commissioner.  Regional directors are geographical directors of the Sports Watchers Association.  Regional directors may identify themselves through social media by way of certificate.  The role and responsibility of regional directors are assigned by the President of SWA and may change from time to time.  Responsibilities of the regional director may include: in-person meetings, ‘viewing parties’, in-game meet-ups and regional communication for the region.  Region are geographical and can be local, county, state or a group of states, i.e. ‘midwest’ region.

  5. Sports and Sport Related Directors - The SWA president may appoint or have people apply to be sports directors.  Sports directors provide direction to membership about each sport and sports related directors provide direction to activities surrounding and supporting sport such as in-person events, gambling, fantasy sports and the like.  Directors of sports duties may change from time to time, but currently include promoting the sport within the membership, writing or blogging about the sport, organizing in-person meetings or anything the SWA requires to promote the vision and mission statement of the association.  Duties may change from time to time and may be as impromptu as immediate.

  6. Executive orders - SWA leadership may provide executive orders to the rank and file.  Those executive orders must immediately be disclosed to their household warden for compliance requests, where acceptance may not be unreasonably withheld.

  7. Technical Foul(s) - SWA members of all ranks may ‘T-up’ their or a warden, SWA member or member-guest for any violation of the SWA CBA.  The purpose of the ‘T-up’ is to create a common way to show objection to the wardens or SWA members actions.  The consequences will be decided on by the members present.  The T-up’ may be posted to social media.

  8. Seniority and/or Rank - SWA member rank is as follows, list from least to most senior: rank and file, private, corporal, sargent, staff sargent, director, VP, President.  Ranks will be used in internal documentation, for promotions or on collateral or apparel.

  9. Distinguished Inner Circle - SWA member reserve the right to assign SWA member or member guests to their inner circle.  Inner circles are also knows as posse, friends, fellas, the ‘group’.  Group members may give each other an event, week or monthly grade as it relates to the decisions of the group around sports events such as watching or playing sports.  The decided arrival time, event, departure time, finances and food and beverage involved will all be determined by the group.  The ‘grade’ is what is given to each member as it relates to the event or time period in question.  Any group chats will be subject to the ‘circle of trust’.

  10. Beer President - aka Beer Prez - The group may assign a  ‘beer president’ to an event.  The beer prez should be the overlord of beer distribution in all SWA settings.  Tasks include cooler policing, beer distribution and the correct recipe for ice.

  11. Shower Sherriff - Shower sheriff’s may be assigned by the group, to a member of the group.  Shower sheriff’s sometimes step up themselves.  The shower sheriff may be responsible for the following tasks including but not limited to:
    1. Shower order
    2. Shower policing
    3. Team shampoo distribution and logistics
    4. Group shower management

  12. Official beauty (Beautician) Certification - Sports Watchers Association is the only known association to hand out certifications for beauticians.  Beauties are given a level: 1,2,3,4 where 1 is a recognized beauty and level 4 is the highest level of beautician there is.  Beauticians or beauties may apply to the association for ‘beauty’ status through the SWA website.

  13. SWA Hall of Fame - The SWA every 3 years will take applications for it’s hall of fame.  Nominations will be submitted via the website form.  SWA Hall of fame members may be voted on through a process much like other sports hall of fame’s.

  14. SWA wall of shame - Should a SWA member or member-guest disappoint the inner circle by not following through on commitments or implied commitments for sports events, the person in question may immediately be posted to the daily, weekly, monthly or all time SWA wall of shame.  The SWA wall of shame will be hosted online on the website and social medium.

  15. Working with other Associations and Sports Leagues - The Sports Watchers Association is a union for sports fans.  We will try to work with sports leagues to help promote sports within the household.  This union will also stand with other union brothers and sisters when it is appropriate to do so.

  16. Online identity - SWA members may be referenced to in whole or in part, as a group or singularity, as ‘SWAzies’.  Pronounced like Patrick Swayze. People magazine named Swayze the "Sexiest Man Alive" in 1991, so theres that.