13. Errands & Tasks Management

Errand & Task Management prior to Sports Watching
  1. Errand point System - The household must segment commonly done errands or tasks into size segments: large, medium, small… for example.  Each task size bucket will have points to be traded, a currency of work.  These points (point schedule) would be used for events over and above the SWA member’s rights in this CBA.
  2. Warden errands and task request deadlines - Wardens must submit errand schedule for the next week at the weekly household meeting.  In-week move/add/changes must be tabled 48 hours prior to deadline for large tasks, 24 hours prior to deadline for medium tasks and 4 hours prior to deadline for small tasks.  In all cases, sports ‘event’ time is not eligible, and deadlines can’t end when events are in progress.  The clock ‘stops’ at the beginning of the event. 

  3. Travel time - Travel time required to complete errands and tasks are considered part of the errand/task and must follow the rules of the errand task point system.  SWA members may tune into events while travelling (section 7c) so long as the travel time doesn’t increase 15% due to the event.
  4. Right to refuse work - The SWA member has the ‘right to refuse work’ and/or re-assign the due date within their rights of the CBA.  Reasons for errand/task movement could include but not limited to: 
    1. Big game event scheduled to start same day
    2. Favourite team or athlete events scheduled to start same day 
    3. Season segment games i.e. playoffs.  Examples of this would be ‘finals’ 
    4. Injuries from participating or viewing events. 
  5. Modified Duties - The SWA member has the right to modify duties after an events outcome.  The euphoria of a victory and all that it entails must be given it’s time to process.  The lows of defeat can put SWA members in a place mentally where they are not able to perform specific tasks or errands.  That time will be determined solely by the SWA member, and the households point system and rules.  Modified duties could also mean only ‘small’ tasks or errands can be attempted after the event.