8. Dependent Responsibility

  1. In game - In all game segments (pre-game, in-game and post-game) for the pre-season and regular season events that are non-favorite teams or include favourite athletes, the SWA member is responsible for up to 50% of the obligations.  Tasks where the SWA member is a willing participant this ratio may be exceeded.  Examples of this would be dog walking or child care (depending on life stage).  Should the SWA member have mobile device access to the event, the SWA member is entitled to access the game on the move, on a digital device.  The mobile data charges are part of the household budget for watching sports.  For in-game playoff games and events that include favorite athletes or teams, the SWA member will fulfill no more than 33% of dependent obligations, for playoff final series or tournament finals, the SWA member will fulfill no more than 20% of the obligations.

  2. In-week planning - During planning for the week, the SWA member and their warden can agree on the pre-game, in-game, and post-game dependent responsibilities.  The result will be the sports events during the week the SWA member is focussed on and who is responsible for what obligation.

  3. In Season planning - In order for in-game concessions to work, the SWA member must plan for that by working into the weekly schedule the time for different tasks, errands and projects.  That is the sole responsibility of the SWA member.  Not doing so could affect the SWA members monthly grade.

  4. Dependent Responsibility time segments - SWA member’s households can agree on when ‘prime’ dependent responsibility time throughout the week and weekend would be, as well as ‘non-prime’ time dependent responsibility times of the week and weekend.  Prime and non-prime time must be agreed up each viewing year and season, and would depend on the households stage of life specifics.

dependent responsibility weekly calendar