14. To-do Lists & Project Management

To-do list and project management
  1. To-do List points system - While warden issued tasks and errands are subject to small/medium/large segmentation, to-do lists are projects are different in nature.  To-do lists are a series of tasks that may or may not be required to be completed in succession or sometimes even in order, for the to-do list to be complete.  Examples of this would be ‘get the halloween/Christmas decorations out’... That is a series of tasks (and possibly errands if drive time is involved) that must ALL be completed in order to check the whole to-do list off as completed.  Projects (and project planning) require design, planning and supply procurement prior to the project getting started.  

  2. Project Management point system - Projects are typically completed over multiple work sessions, when the SWA member or warden isn’t at their work/job.  Because the work is harder, the points are typically higher for this type of work started, progressed and completed, whether completed by the deadline or not.  The warden may table two medium or major projects per viewing year.

  3. Warden To-do list and Project request deadlines  - Wardens must submit sequenced to-do lists 48 hours prior to the work request date.  Completion would mean the whole list is completed.  Project request deadlines are segmented into small, medium and large projects.  The small projects have 2 weeks to be completed, the medium projects have 6 weeks and large projects have no pre-defined due date.  All deadlines are rounded to the day.

  4. Consequences for missed deadlines -  The consequences for missed deadlines will be negotiated within the household but should include some sort of points multiplier or reducer, the ability to remove certain household hobbies, the ability to dictate which dependent you’re taking to which sport with which car, and others including but not limited to: dependent responsibility, viewing area selection, prime time dependent activities, and other errand and tasks order selection.  

  5. Project completion as it relates to the points system - Completing projects that are medium or large must attain maximum points for the worker.  Stacking completed projects within the agreed deadline will multiple points at 1.15x for two in a row and 1.25x at 3+ in a row.  There is no reducing point values until a deadline is missed.

  6. Hazardous work scenarios / WHMIS - Household members may halt work to be completed for the purposes of deadline management due to hazardous work scenarios.  Such scenarios could be working at heights without the proper equipment, electrical or plumbing issues, or renovations that include demolition and there is material that is damaging to the body found during the demolition process.  Such WHMIS cases should be verified by the opposite party and in doing so, will not penalize the worker for missing deadlines, until the issue is resolved. The issue is resolved when the work is deemed safe by both parties or by a local safety authority.