Warden International

Warden International

      Well, you've made it here.  But how the hell did you even end up here?  By having a SWA member sign their declaration, your household, as defined in the definitions, is now part of the SWA Collective Bargaining Agreement.

It's not all bad.  As a warden, there are some benefits.

1. There are consequences for missing work deadlines

SWA member task delay

In Section 10 Sports Gambling, article 10, SWA members must be responsible for their gambling or face possible 'stage of life' specifics changes.

In Section 13 Errand and tasks management, it outlines the specifics around when work requests need to be submitted in order to get completed in a timely manner.  Especially when sports that were requested in the weekly meeting are the same day.

In Section 14 To-do list and project management, articles 4 and 5 specifically outline the consequence for missed deadlines on multi-task to-do lists and larger household projects.

In Section 15 Points System, it clearly outlines and defines the who, what, when, where and why of points accumulation and redemption, implications of surplus and deficit of points in the household, and the consequences of not complying with the rules of the individual household(s).

If you're a warden in a household, don't hesitate to assert you rights and promote your bargaining unit in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Warden International