5. Grievance Process

  1. Filing a grievance - The Grievance process is filled in through the SWA website intake form.  Social media for the SWA member and warden, the section of the CBA violation, a victim statement and an expected resolution are parts of the form. 

  2. Grievance Process - File a grievance online, a video will be produced for other membership on the outcome of your claim.  The judgements penalties are dealt with within the household, if judgement penalties aren’t complied with in a timely manner, this can be reported to your association. 

  3. Hearing - There are no hearings.  Your case must be made through the grievance intake form. 

  4. Arbitrator - There is no arbitration.  All CBA violations are dealt with through the intake form. 

  5. Time limits - CBA violations must be reported to the intake form within 2 weeks of the violation.  Appeals must be filed within 2 weeks of the decision video. 

  6. Appeals - Either party can appeal the decision resulting from the grievance