16. Stages of Life Specifics

Stage of Life specifics sports
  1. General - The following are stages of life the SWA recognizes and has written articles and sections around in the CBA.  They are in no particular order.  For example you can be a parent without being married.
  2. Single/Dating Apps - SWA members are most free at this stage of life.  Minimal chance of minor dependants, Wardens are just getting to know members so there is minimal chance of grievances.  The household has essentially 1 member.  Disposable income is maximized meaning lots of travel time, minimal disruptions from in-game viewing.  To-do lists, errand and project management is solely created by the SWA member essentially.  Why would you switch from this?
  3. Pet owner - For SWA members that are pet owners, dependent responsibility could go 100% to the SWA member, if there aren't any other household members.  Pets do not care about pre-game, in-game or post game events, so tasks, errands, and projects should be scheduled around event time accordingly. Should the household be a 2 member household, the household must follow the dependent responsibility rules in this CBA.  Regarding in-game viewing, pets do not have first selection in seating.
  4. Relationship/ Common-law - This stage of life benefits from the SWA in many ways.  Households start to combine into a single household and partners become more wardens than dates.  Conflicting priorities start to arise.  As household income is established, the minimum threshold of sports spending is established.  Discipline and grievances start to enter the relationship.  Monthly grades are effected by conflicts from task, errand and project scheduling requests. With minimal dependents, road trips are a priority for members.  As social schedules form, in-game viewing experiences routines as formed.  Fantasy sports and technology involvement increase during this stage of life..  SWA members reserve the right to watch sports with their new wardens family members.  Fans of the same team get extra consideration in all aspects of this CBA.
  5. Married - SWA member are in this stage of life after the specific act of getting legally married. After the legal act, the household is formed and a deeper commitment to the SWA members’ warden is established.  The household budget is established based on adult incomes, and primary, secondary and tertiary household viewing zones are established and added to.  Dependents quantity and type vary widely from household to household.  Dependent responsibility, and weekly meetings for task, errand and project requests around viewing schedules become more important as seasonal schedules are established.
  6. Infant(s) - The infant stage is defined as the time in a household (independent of other stages) that a minor is in the household in their first year of life.  Dependent responsibility around diapers and general care of the infant must be established around in-game viewing experiences, at the weekly household meeting.  Road trips are at a minimum, due to the intensity of infant care. Extra time should be considered for ‘travel’, and mobile view in-game experiences are starting to be used more.  The infant stage is generally not a good time for projects, but tasks and errand responsibilities increase.  Due to increased tension in the household with infants, task and errand completion time affect the SWA members monthly grade exponentially.
  7. Toddler - The toddler stage of life is defined as the time a minor dependent in the household is between 1-3 years of age.  During this stage, viewing areas in the household may be edited to minimize toddler movement.  Secondary and tertiary viewing areas may also be effected.  Should the SWA member have dependent responsibility during errands and tasks, extra time should be considered for errand and tasks starts prior to any sports events booked.  Should errands and tasks take longer than expected, mobile view of the event during the task or errand is accepted or encouraged.
  8. School-aged - School aged child(ren) are defined as minor dependents ages 4-12 years old.  More of the household budget is spent on this stage of life. During this stage SWA members most negotiate more dependent responsibility for school, minor sports, activities and organized clubs.  Negotiations can be completed at the weekly household meeting.  SWA member may start to mold the next generation of their favorite team(s) fanbase.
  9. Teenager - This stage of life is defined as dependant children aged 13-18 years old.  At this stage, household budgets are stressed due to the financial and time commitment of dependant school, activities and sports.Teenagers can also contribute to the household income for household budget calculations, provided they’re legal adults.  
  10. Empty Nester - After all dependents have left the household, it is just the SWA member and wardens… Household budgets are relaxed with more budget allocated for sports events as there are no more dependent activities, less pet activities.  Dependents may still strain the household budget, as adults.  Empty nesters reserve the right to add additional favorite teams as the start to add winter homes in different areas of the world.
  11. Divorced - SWA members in this  category are legally divorced in their jurisdiction.  This has legal implications for many areas of the CBA including: household budget, dependent responsibility, and will effect all other areas of the CBA including; errand, task, to-do list and project management.  SWA members will decide how their weekly meetings and monthly grades are effected by the divorce.