12. Food & Beverage

sports watchers food and beverage
  1. Dinner table during the game - The SWA member will follow the rules of the household with respect to the dinner table and watching sports.  The SWA member and warden will set the rules out of dinner table and watching sports independent of this CBA, but considering Section 7 In-game Viewing Experience Expectations and Section 8 Dependent Responsibility.  When the event in question is part of the SWA member's favorite team or athlete, the warden will make all considerations to allow for dinner table viewing time, and the SWA member will prepare for it to minimize household interruptions.
  2. Snacks - The SWA member is permitted snacks.  Who makes them and how they are served are up to the individual household rules.  Considerations should be made for dependent responsibilities, favourite athlete/ team, season segments, as well as the SWA members monthly score, points earned and used and completion percentage of errands, tasks, to-do lists and projects in flight.
  3. Locations - This SWA CBA covers all locations that serve food and beverage at sports events.  
  4. Food & Beverage Responsibilities - Food and beverages for events in the household will not come out of the SWA sports budget, unless the quantity is 25% above normal, a large group.  It also has to happen more than once per every 3 months.  SWA members will get household guests to cover a portion, if not all of the costs.  SWA members may use points to have food & beverage spread prepared for gametime, so less as their warden agrees on the points exchange, and may always prepare food & beverage as goodwill for errand and to-do list completion status.  For the SWA member favourite sports team, athlete or events with BIG GAME status, the SWA member is allowed to pre-game food prep for the entirety of the time required.  SWA members must time manage for slow cookers or smokers.
  5. Outdoor cooking - When sports events are outside, SWA members may chose transportation, equipment and supplies in order to facilitate their event.  For example, if in charge of a big feast, they must bring the barbeque pit, supplies, food in coolers and equipment to cook.  All of this is not included in the SWA members sports budget, if the equipment can be used in everyday life.