7. In-Game Viewing Experience Expectations

    Sports in-game viewing experience expectations
    1. Viewing in the household - The SWA member can design the primary sports viewing area in the household to their liking.  Including but not limited to; seating, audio/visual, and food & beverage considerations.  Should the warden want any input into the primary viewing area, the cost of that is not taken from the budget for the viewing season.  The SWA member may also set-up secondary and tertiary viewing areas around the household.  During sport events on the calendar, SWA members are permitted to use their primary, secondary or tertiary viewing areas as household circumstances dictate doing so.
    2. Viewing on the road - When a road event has been booked, the SWA member has the right to move household travel time so that arrival at the destination is pre-game.  SWA members have the right to leave when the game is over, or be the passenger when travelling by vehicle, and view on mobile should the household have to leave prior to the end of the game.  Wireless data charges are not part of the household budget toward sports.
    3. Viewing on mobile devices - Viewing sports on mobile devices during errands, to-do-list completion or generally being away from the viewing areas is the right of the SWA member.  This could be out of the household or even throughout the household.  SWA members may use mobile devices if and when dependent responsibility is required during the sporting ‘event’.  
    4. Warden questions during live game play - The SWA member has the right to be asked the same question 3 times and be given up to 1 minute to formulate an answer.  Up to two minutes for an answer when watching a big play, including replay.  20% extension is given for favorite teams, players and season segments that are end of regular season and playoffs for the event being watched.
    5. Viewing in stadium - For live events, SWA members reserve the right to experience the full game-day experience put on by the teams.  This includes but not limited to: pre-game festivities, in game contests, trivia, and chances to be on the jumbotron videoscreen.  All food and beverage purchases are part of the SWA members budget, should the warden not agree with the purchases.  In stadium/area viewing is supposed to be a great experiences and all parties will negotiate in good faith to ensure it is for everyone involved.
    6. Commercial non-game play - The SWA member has the right to bathroom breaks, food and beverage re-fills, and technology breaks, without interruption, impromptu tasks being assigned while retaining their seat.  Throughout the event, SWA members will be limited to 1 dependent responsibility session.
    7. In-game warden rules - While SWA members are attending an event, the warden understands the TV will be on the event selected by the SWA member for the entirety of that event, there will be no errands or tasks assigned less the courteous, and there will be no interruptions; audio or visual during game play.
    8. Audio/Visual - SWA members have the right to design their primary viewing area.  This includes TV, audio/visual equipment, seating area, technology and all viewing aids, taking into consideration favorite athletes and favorite teams, leagues and sports.  The ‘soundtrack’ is in complete control of the SWA member during an event.
    9. dB levels - dB sound volume levels in your at home viewing areas and on the road will be set by the SWA member so long as the dependents aren’t affected and the peace is kept with neighbours.  The SWA member will maintain volume control for the duration of the event.
    10. Attire - The SWA member has the right to wear their selected attire of choice and may appreciate their warden doing the same.  Costs for attire is part of the SWA members sports budget, less gifts that are attire.  For live events face paint, costumes and props are part of ‘attire’.  However outlandish the attire, the warden shall not issue grief to the SWA member.
    11. Pay per View (PPV) - Pay per view events are to be included in the household budget. The number of PPV events in a watching season is unlimited, so long as they are planned.  If PPV events are selected without warden influence, SWA members can set their dependent responsibility (section 8), Commercial non-game play (Sec. 7d)  in-game warden rules (Sec. 7e), dB levels (Sec. 7g) Attire (Sec. 7h) and Food and Beverage (Sec. 11).
    12. Out-of-household guests - When the household is hosting an event (see Sec 7a - viewing in the household), whether scheduled or impromptu, all SWA member requests will be approved, including but not limited to: viewing area, food and beverage, attire, dependent responsibility, errands and to-do lists completion exemptions.  The event will not affect the SWA member monthly grade or expire any points earned, more than the point burn rate already established.  Should the out-of-household guest be part of the SWA members inner circle/ circle of trust, the penalties for not complying are part of warden discipline.  All tasks, errands and projects completed over the next 2 weeks will accrue double points.
    13. Post game grade - SWA members may post to social media, immediately following the game, their percentage of the game they actually got to watch.