3. Governing Agreement

  1. sports watchers governing agreementConflicts - The provisions of this Agreement supersede any verbal Agreement, previous SWA contract, or any other agreement between the SWA member and their warden. For the avoidance of doubt, the Warden International will be considered a signatory to this Agreement. 
  2. Implementation: The parties will use their best efforts to faithfully carry out the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to see that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are carried out in full by SWA members and their warden(s). The SWA and Warden International will use their best efforts to see that the terms and conditions of all SWA contracts are carried out in full by members.. 
  3. Management Rights The households maintain and reserve the right to manage and direct their operations in any manner whatsoever, except as specifically limited by the provisions of this Agreement. 
  4. Scope of Agreement - This Agreement represents the complete understanding of the parties on all subjects covered herein, and there will be no change in the terms and conditions of this Agreement without mutual consent.