24. Anti-Collusion

anti collusion Sports households
  1. Warden Collusion - At no time during the viewing season will any wardens from different households collude against SWA members.  All decisions related to roadtrips, sports ‘events’, must be made singularly, only considering the current situation of the individual household.  Not all households are in the same situation considering: points earned, monthly grade, dependent responsibility relative to their stage of life specifics, and those decisions should be made in isolation.  Wardens caught colluding are in violation of the SWA CBA.

  2. SWA member collusion - This is no such thing as SWA member collusion.  SWA members may help each other get tasks, errands, to-do lists and projects completed in time for their sports ‘events’ to start, so they can enjoy the game uninterrupted.