18. Adult Rec Sports

adult rec sports
  1. General - SWA members may enroll in adult rec sports at a minimum 2x weekly, should the member wish.  Gameplay can be ‘pick-up’ or a game with refs and timekeepers.  Stats documentation by the league or team are optional.  New Task, errand cut off time is 1 hour prior to departure time.  SWA members reserve the right to discuss any pro’s they played with or against in minor sports, at anytime.

  2. League or Team Manager SWA members are permitted to be league or team manager for any and all sports leagues at all levels.  The time to manage the league or team should not be negatively affecting the household.  Running the team or league can be defined as all events required to do so, including but not limited to: kick-off meeting, finance meeting, disciplinary meetings and year-end wrap up meetings or banquets.

  3. Spare player list and spare player $$ Any surplus funds from running the adult rec league may add to the household budget spend on sports, should the warden find out about it.  Additional spare player funds should be used at the Holiday break or year end party.

  4. beer league Schedule / night of the week SWA members must consider the household weekly schedule when considering adult rec sports times, including drive time.  Adult rec sports events are defined as the departure time, the event, after event food and beverage, and drive time home.  Should the warden have events at the same proposed time, those decisions are outside the scope of this CBA, and should be made at the household meeting through negotiation.  The results should be considered came to willingly and not effect the SWA members monthly grade.

  5. Bye weeks - It is assumed that all players on the team will tell their wardens that the regular season is every week, even if there are bye weeks.  Should the team want to just meet at the post-game refreshment establishment, the opportunity should be available to them.  This means all team members (SWA members and member-guests) must comply with the ‘we play the phantoms’ protocol.  When playing the phantoms, the score is always 2-1 (works for all sports) and the closest person wearing number 14, scored the winning goal.  Always round down if there is no #14 on the team.

  6. Funds payment - The first two seasonal entry fees come out of the household budget, not the SWA members sports budget, as adult Rec sports is considered a fitness program, included in the household budget.  A 3rd adult rec sport per season would come out of the SWA members sports budget.

  7. Travel to game - The time to travel to the regularly scheduled weekly adult rec game in your own town or out of town is part of the event.  The gas cost to drive there is not part of the SWA members sports budget, but rather the household budget.  Should the household have more than one car, the car selection is up to the household, typically SWA members have their own car.  There is always an option to carpool.  The household weekly calendar should be considered when thinking of any travel options.

  8. Dressing room / Preparation - Dressing room preparation may be subject to the teams own rituals.  Any food and beverage ritual costs MAY be part of the SWA member sports budget should they exceed 20% of the sports registration costs over the total season.  The extra cost would only be on the cost above the 20% of registration at the time of the cost, and not retroactive.  Dressing room seating arrangements are the responsibility of the team and not this CBA.  Post game group showers must never be spoken of outside of the dressing room.  Sacred times.

  9. Equipment / Jerseys - Equipment is part of the SWA members budget, not the household budget.  If jerseys are not part of the adult rec sports registration fee, jerseys would come out of the sports budget.  The time to acquire equipment and jerseys needs to fit into the household weekly schedule.
    beer league goalie warmup
  10. In-game management - Team captains will take or delegate taking water bottles to the bench.  Should the team be on a winning streak, it may be the same player who is delegated until the streak is over.  The league may have individual rules that must be followed in order for teams to participate. Warm-up shall consist of some shots on goalies (if applicable) one at a time, when they’re looking.  The purpose of the shots are to warm them up.  Lines or sub-order is set typically by the team captain.  There is no preference between SWA members and non-members, the point of the game is to have fun while winning.  During game play and between periods good ‘one-liners’ and chirps should be documented to be discussed post game.  At all times, referees should be respected and not harmed.

  11. Game play - The golden rule is ‘everyone has to go to work tomorrow’ which means no Johnny try hards. SWA members reserve the right to ‘go hard’ on offense and ‘mail it in’ on defence. Some game situations would dictate some defence to preserve a win. Depending on what type of player your were in minor or junior sports will dictate your intensity level. In the regular season, at any time, no more than 33% of the team can be at an intensity level or over 7/10. During playoffs, 80% of the team may go 9/10 intensity in the A division, and adjusted down per division when there is a larger skill disparity.   Goal celebrations (offence) may be celebrated when the score is within 5, or a game winning goal.  Goals may be celebrated at any time by a player that scores less than 8% of the teams total goals. 

  12. Post-game refreshments - SWA members reserve the right to post-game refreshments in the dressing room, parking lot or restaurant / bar provided it’s within the 2 rec sports per season of the CBA..  Sponsorship deals with establishments return budget to the SWA team members sports budget, should it not be used for a year-end party.  Post-game event duration should not affect the obligations of the next morning.  If dependents are sick while SWA members are post-game, this may affect the SWA members monthly grade.  Parking lot or dressing room beers may be on a player rotation basis or BYOB.  Team rules will dictate this.  A safe arrival home is always the goal and any result other than that, the SWA member may face disciplinary action.

  13. Tournaments - Within the adult rec season, teams may enter tournaments.  Travel, food and lodging must be covered by the SWA members sports budget, should the household agree it’s not part of the household budget.  The deciding factor on this would be ‘did the household members attend the tournament?’  If they did, the tourney is part of the household budget.  Tournaments must be booked and paid for under CBA rules and must be planned in advance around the household calendar.

    1. Travel - Travel to the tourney is decided by in the household meeting; car selection, time etc.  Travelling companions are selected within the team.  SWA members reserve the right to talk about minor, junior sports games they played in during the trip.  No stories are off limits.  It is the responsibility of the SWA members to make sure no other members monthly grade would be effected by a story.
    2. Between games - If a warden has truly released the SWA member to the tourney team, the amount of food and beverage consumed should be none of their concern, provided everyone gets home safely.
    3. Accommodations / roommates - Lodging will be determined by the team.  Costs can be reduced by increasing players per room. All accommodation options are valid.

  14. Time commitment - A commitment to the team should be a full commitment to the team, unless otherwise stated at the beginning..  Team members should make every effort to attend team events.  Scheduling conflicts can be decided at the weekly household meeting.  Wardens must not interfere with adult rec sports participation in any way including but not limited to; bait and switch, nagging, negotiations in bad faith.

  15. Season Segment conditioning - SWA members have the option to incorporate fitness program in order to optimize performance during their sport.  The time commitment and cost may be part of the household or sports budget, depending on the time and coast of the training.

  16. Playoffs - This CBA covers a 30% increase in all SWA member time commitments SWA members have.  Dependent responsibility, tasks errands, to-do lists and project start times must be pushed back 30% more from regular cut off times.  Playoff game attendance for adult rec sports is mandatory for the SWA member and every precaution should be taken to ensure participation.