10. Sports Gambling


Sports Gambling union
  1. Budget - The ‘gambling year’ is aligned to the viewing year.  Gambling will be included in the SWA members sports budget.  This is a net amount, if there are winnings from in-year, in-budget gambling they can be re-gambled.  After the annual budget is exhausted, SWA members must notify wardens requesting additional funds.
  2. Responsibility - At all times, the SWA member must stay within the household budget, not including net positive winnings.  Any net losses must stay within the SWA sports budget.  Any additional spending must get approval from the warden.  Not doing so could have unintended consequences on your stage of life specifics, changing it to something other than it’s current state.
  3. Research time - Research time will be permitted to the SWA member, so long as the time investment is producing results, within the SWA sports budget.  SWA members should consider overall household happiness and conduct research in non-prime dependent or warden time.  
  4. Apps - Mobile phone apps, websites and other tools are permitted under this CBA.  The costs for these tools is taken from the household budget OR net proceeds (winnings), whichever the SWA member decides.  
  5. Account withdrawls - Gambling account winning withdrawals can be made throughout the season.  Withdrawals do not have to be disclosed to the warden, so long as the original investment was within the household budget.  Winning withdrawls must be disclosed on account deposits OVER the household budget  that are approved by the warden.  Winnings can be gambled so long as the household budget remains intact.  Withdrawals can be spent on anything the SWA member desires.  Spending withdrawals on dependent and warden likes and interests increases changes of a good monthly report card.
  6. SWA approved sports gambling sites - TBD
  7. Prop bets - All types of bets are eligible under the SWA CBA.  All types of bets may be placed.  The SWA member must consider their dependent responsibility (prime vs non-prime time), workload, monthly grades etc when considering the time to strategy around all types of bets.  All betting goes against the SWA members sports budget and the real-time balance is what is posted against the SWA members budget.  The total spend is calculated annually, but responsible SWA members should consider spreading their gambling budget out over 4 quarters of the viewing year.  This is all depending on their favorite sports, athletes and season segment (i.e. playoff) sport gambling strategies and budgets.
  8. 3rd party advice - aka Having a ‘guy’ - At all times the decisions of the SWA member are his and his alone when it comes to gambling spend, picks and the like. No matter how good the ‘guy’ supposedly is.
  9. Insider info - All insider info can and must be acted on, within the limits of your quarterly budget spend.  Inside info would be considered non-public information from people in the know or in attendance at the event.
  10. Sharing with your inner circle - Your group chat rules will determine whether or not your information is shared.  For example, if you are on a ‘hot streak’ and the group chat is asking for your secret, the (individual) group chat rules will govern your information sharing responsibilities to the group.