9. Technology / Apps / Video Games #SWATechnology

sports watching through technology
  1. In-game social media - SWA member are allowed to consume and post on all social media during events, including in-game, during commercial breaks, as well as pre and post game.  With respect to Sect 7e. (in game warden rules) there will be no interruptions during social media posts or consumption.
  2. In-game group chats - SWA members are permitted to group chat on any platform during all stages of an event (pre-game, in-game, post game) . SWA members, must fulfill their dependent responsibility duties in a timely manner.  There must be no detriment to the dependent.
  3. Postgame phone privacy - The SWA member has a right to privacy post-event.  Any private digital correspondence shall not be viewed by the warden(s), and when they do view it, it will not be used against the SWA member, in any way.
  4. Video games - SWA members reserve the right to play video games, in a meaningful way.  Meaningful ways include allocating the time necessary for the multi-player online style games that are developed for today.  This is dependent on the SWA members Section 14 STAGE OF LIFE  specifics.  The warden must not interrupt on-line gaming in any way that poses a threat to victory for the SWA member.  This includes, but is not limited to: impromptu dependent duties and errands.  Section 7 IN-GAME VIEWING EXPERIENCE EXPECTATIONS are the same for video games as they are for events.  Extra consideration for the SWA member, through Section 8 - in week planning, shall be given for e-sports gaming seasons and Section 19 SEASON SEGMENTS shall be considered valid for sports video games.  All costs for Sports gaming events shall be part of the SWA sports budget.
  5. Other technologies - throughout this CBA, when there is mention of technology or apps, it is the individual articles obligation to spell out the rules of engagement for this technology; such as gambling apps for gambling.